1 What's polypropylene?
Polypropylene is a thermoplastic resin, partially crystalline, that belongs to polyolefine family. It is the result of the polypropylene polymerization (C3H6) with catalysts. The state-of-the-art homopolymer polypropylene is the material that offers the best performance at in-between temperatures and it is a valid alternative to metal in industrial and non- industrial uses.

2 Why to use polypropylene instead of aluminium?
news eventi For its chemical inertia
Polypropylene is not attacked by inorganic salts, by mineral acids and by diluted bases, nor by solvents and aliphatic hydrocarbons.
news eventi For its low surface roughness
High flow coefficients because of very smooth internal surfaces. Reduced and constant loading losses. Very limited foulings. Reduced materials release to conveyed fluids.
news eventi For its high resistance to abrasion
Longer life of manufactured products.
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Because it is an insulating material
Immune from galvanic corrosion and condensation problems.

3 There are also aluminium plastic coated pumps; how do they react to chemical attacks?
They surely resist more compared to the simple aluminium pumps, but the plastic coating layer sticks badly.

4 Do polypropylene pumps withstand the working pressure of 20 or 40 Bar?
Yes, because the polypropylene used in the components exposed to the pressure is weighted with reinforced fiberglass that improves by three times the resistance to tensile stress (up to 105 Mpa). Bertolini pumps heads, moreover, are built according to a patented production process that incorporates a metallic frame inside the polypropylene body.
The result is a stronger hardness of the same component made of aluminium.

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